Pro Bio


Pro-bio organic fertilizer is the best nitrogen supplement to meet the daily needs of your crops to produce a nutritious and healthy harvest. It is completely odor-free and has a long-lasting impact on your vegetation. Apart from crop fields, it is completely suitable to use in a home garden, lawns, yards, etc. Your vegetation will witness robust growth in its fruit-bearing ability and vibrant flowers, improving yield.

SKU: GE1008 Category:


Probio is a biotechnical product formulated from marine animals like shrimps, crabs, and fish. This organic fertilizer is rich in nitrogen which promotes the root structure, helps in chlorophyll formation, production of carbohydrates, and is great for herbs, vegetables, flowers, houseplants, and can be applied during any time of the year. As it is entirely organically made, color and order may vary.

Key Features:

Pro Bio has the following features:

  • Probio is loaded with unadulterated nutrients that will improve the soil productivity and texture, water retention, supporting healthy microbes. These microbes function as a defense mechanism against harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Our fertilizer helps in the formation of chlorophyll, thus helping plants prepare their food effectively via photosynthesis and also maintaining the green color of the leaves.
  • Probio Liquid fertilizer contains all 16 vital micro and macronutrients in abundant quantity, particularly nitrogen which plays a critical role in maintaining a strong and stable structure of vegetation as it treats nitrogen deficiency in plants. When this liquid fertilizer is mixed with water, it’s the most effective for stimulating the growth of seedlings, especially young ones.
  • This compost can generate higher yields, more delicious fruits, vegetables, and herbs, full of live beneficial microbes leading to harvest which is full of nutrients.
  • Our liquid products give an immediate nutrient boost and function as a catalyst to plants or grass and can be used both as a soil drench and as a foliar spray. The nutrients and microbes in Probio fertilizers are combined in such a manner that they help stimulate microbial activity and nitrogen uptake.

Pro bio is your one-stop solution for dense lawns, vibrant flowers, and an abundance of tasty fruits and vegetables. This natural compost can be applied within the soil in your backyard garden or sprayed on the leaves. Such application will improve your plants’ growth significantly, creating a dense, green backyard.

Key Benefits:

  • Improve Immunity in plants: Liquid fertilizer provides an instant benefit to plants’ roots as well as maintains the richness of the soil by replenishing it with a required amount of essential nutrients such as nitrogen. As a result, your crops become more immune to diseases as well as developing a stronger structure.
  • Helps in breaking down carbohydrates: Organic ProBio fertilizer helps in enzymes activation. After activation, these enzymes help the breakdown of food produced by plants, ensuring it gets assimilated properly. Other macronutrients are thoroughly broken down and then released into the soil for plant roots to consume as they are needed, contributing to drought tolerance, enhanced nutrient availability, and increased plant performance.
  • Helps cure the nitrogen deficiency in plants: Stunted growth, withering of leaves, discoloration of leaves, and inhibition of growth especially in younger plants are some major effects of nitrogen deficiency in plants. Probio fertilizers help cure mineral deficiencies in vegetation by supplying an adequate amount of nitrogen, which further helps in forming chlorophyll giving leaves a lush green shade as well as supporting them in their growth. For more efficient transfer of nitrogen to your vegetation, use the drip irrigation system. In this way, nutrients uptake will be uniformly absorbed, reducing chances of excess absorption.
  • Helps in the formation of chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is an essential pigment that maintains the green color of the vegetation and helps plants prepare their food using water, sunlight, and other minerals. Probio fertilizer helps in the formation of chlorophyll by supplying a sufficient amount of nitrogen. Better production of chlorophyll further protects plants from harmful diseases, maintains immunity level, and also serves as a source of medicinal herbs.
  • Enhance soil fertility: Probio manure is an effective source of energy for soil microbes, as it promotes a healthy environment for them. These microorganisms, in turn, maintain soil fertility and its texture. Such improvement leads to the rapid mobilization of micro and macronutrients in the soil, creating a robust environment for vegetation and induce their nutrient absorbing ability.
  • Increases respiratory process in plants: Your crops need an uninterrupted flow of exchange of several components within different parts for better respiration. A constant exchange of minerals will help them prepare their food properly via photosynthesis. Having rich nutrients content, Probio helps in the respiratory process of the plants by maintaining an adequate level of gaseous elements such as nitrogen.
  • Helps in the production of delicious, and nutritious vegetation: This nutritionally balanced formula promotes very rich and healthy soil equipped to grow the healthiest plants. Healthy soils are capable of growing the healthiest fruits, vegetables, trees, and flowering plants in your home and garden. Feeding through roots and leaves means better absorption of nutrients. This will further help in the shooting effect of the vegetation. Probio also contains peptides hormones that lead to the development of the root meristem, lateral roots, and nodules.
  • Protect against diseases: By supplying marine-based fertilizer, your plants will develop a strong resistance against harmful bacteria and other organisms. Such resistance will boost their growth and also leads to a longer life cycle. In addition to this, improved soil biodiversity creates a suitable environment for healthy microbial breeding which ultimately helps in the growth of the crop, in both fields and the home garden.

Application Method:

Probio marine-based fertilizer can be applied in two different ways:

    • Apply as a foliar spray: Spray it on the whole plant as it will replenish nutrients in all the parts of the vegetation leading to the optimum intake of nutrients, sunlight, air, etc. This will reduce the stress level as it will work as a shelter against excess heat, drought, or salination.
    • Drenching application: Another way to use is to put the compost within the soil and plant the tree before sowing it in the actual field. In this manner,  maximum absorption will take place and after that, it can be sowed in the main field.

Usage Guide:

For optimum results follow the below-mentioned guidelines before applying:

  • For crops with a shorter life span, use twice per week
  • For flowering crops, spray it twice per week
  • Crops having longer life span recommended usage for them is once per 15 days

Direction to Use:

Follow these steps for the most effective results:

  • Dilute 5 – 10 ml of Probio fertilizer in 1 liter of regular water.
  • Mix it well until a homogenous solution appears.
  • Apply as a foliar spray on leaves or incorporate within the soil before plantation.


  • For better results apply in the early morning or evening as it helps maximum absorption of minerals boosting photosynthesis.
  • For basal application dilute 10ml of fertilizer per liter of regular water.

Storage Guide:

  • Must be kept in a cool environment with low temperature
  • Keep it stored in dark places away from sunlight

Product Specification

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