Aqua Culture

Aqua Culture

The global market size of aquaculture was estimated at 263.90 billion dollars as of 2021 and has been expected to grow exponentially. Aquaculture refers to the farming of aquatic animals such as fish, shrimps, oysters etc and aquatic plants. Aquaculture can be improved by using efficient techniques for pond preparation, nutrition management, disease management of the animals or plants being farmed. 

Advantages of pond preparation

  • Aquatic animals and plants harmful to the fish or other animal being farmed can be controlled and removed. 
  • Cannibalistic fishes can be removed.
  • A healthy ecosystem of the pond is maintained. 
  • Optimum pH for the animals can be maintained.
  • Availability of feed can be increased. 

What is pond fertigation?

Fertilization when combined with irrigation is called fertigation. Pond fertigation is not a new technique, it has been used globally from the past few decades. The fertilization of ponds helps in multiplying the produce and increases the profits. Don’t worry! Fishes or other aquaculture organisms do not eat the fertilizers; rather they get benefited by the improvement in food chain, bacterias, phytoplanktons, zooplanktons and small fishes. This improves the quality of the ponds or other water bodies.

Unlike land agriculture where nitrogen is the most important nutrient, ponds require more of phosphorus. Organic fertilizers when added in the pond, increases the production of natural food for the aquatic animals. The nutrients must be in a dissolvable form so that it can quickly benefit the basic food chain. It also improves the growth of useful microalgae on which fishes such as Chinese silver carp and Nile tilapia can feed. 

Pond fertigation does not require any sophisticated tools or capital. Pond fertilisation effectively increases the nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrient concentrations to boost phytoplankton growth, which is the foundation of the food web and results in great shrimp and fish production. Fertigation often increases aquaculture production by two to fivefold. Unfertilized aquaculture ponds typically yield 50 to 500 kg/ha/crop of fish or shrimp. This limit is caused by the limited amount of phytoplankton productivity that can be obtained from naturally accessible concentrations of N, P, and other nutrients. Pond fertigation easily boosts the pond productivity, resulting in increased fish or shrimp production.

Most fish, shrimps and other aquatic animals feed on microscopic plants or algae. Pond fertigation promotes the growth of such algae or plankton. As main components of the food web, algae are consumed by microscopic organisms known as zooplankton and insects. Algae also colour the water green, which serves to shade and protect the pond bottom by inhibiting the growth of undesirable rooted weeds and filamentous algae, which are frequently referred to as “pond moss” or “pond weeds.”

Not all ponds require fertigation. Large ponds fished by a small number of persons can yield good fishing. Whereas heavily fished ponds should be fertilised to retain the nutrients. Ponds in watersheds where cattle graze require less fertilizer. Ponds that normally have high flow-through following rain events or are part of a stream with a low water retention time are not suitable for fertigation. Commercial ponds need fertigation to keep the yields maintained and to retain the ecosystem of the pond. 

Protein Requirement by Aquatic animals

The protein content of the fish body ranges from 65 to 75%. Fish do not have much protein requirement. The species, age of the animals, and water temperature all have an impact on nutrient requirements. Fish raised in tropical climates have a lower protein need (25–30%) than those raised in temperate climates.

Crustaceans have similar protein requirements to that of fish. In addition to species, feeding habits, age, and water temperature, the protein source and energy content of the meal, as well as stocking rate, influence crustacean protein requirements. Feed for intense shrimp culture should have no more than 35% protein, whereas feed for semi-intensive shrimp culture should contain between 20 and 35% protein. 

Role of Vitamins in Aquatic Animals

Vitamin A helps in boosting immunity and Vitamin E cleans the body when selenium levels are high. Fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C are often less stable than water-soluble vitamins.

Moisture, oxidation, reduction, trace minerals, heat, light, pressure, pH, and storage duration all have an impact on vitamin levels in aquatic animals. 

Vitamin Deficiency in Aquatic animals

Growth retardation and higher mortality are the most evident indicators of vitamin deficiency for fish. Vitamin deficiency symptoms are caused by a lack of more than one vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A, can be stored in the liver, whereas water-soluble vitamins are rarely stored in the body. Vitamin B1 deficiency is the most common in fish nutrition, especially when raw fish is eaten. Thiaminase, an enzyme found in raw fish, can degrade thiamin (Vitamin B1). 

Poor growth and a high death rate are the principal signs of vitamin insufficiency in crustaceans, just as they are in fish.

Mollusks require vitamins much like any other animal, but their requirements have yet to be quantified. Because farmed mollusks are primarily given natural food (algae), their vitamin needs may be supplied.

Mineral requirement in aquatic animals

The primary inorganic components in the fish are calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). The Ca:P ratio in the feed should be between 1.0 and 1.2. The bones contain around 90% Ca and 80% P.

While Ca absorption from water is high, however the P absorption from water is limited due to the water’s low P concentration. However, Ca absorption from water is connected to the amount of P accessible to the fish. Because water has a low Mg concentration, dietary magnesium (Mg) is required. The sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (CI) requirements are easily met due to high availability. 

Water testing

Water quality testing is an important step in aquaculture. The tests help analyse the temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, and salinity of the pond. 

Temperature requirement

Temperature adjustment may be a crucial aspect of successful treatment. Saprolegnia, a fungus-like oomycete found in freshwater and brackish water fish, is also frequently linked to suboptimal ambient temperature. Raising the temperature of the water by a few degrees can dramatically boost the treatment response rate. Thus, it is advised to maintain a decent temperature range to avoid microorganism borne diseases and help the animals thrive. 

Control organic load

Organic debris can build up as a result of poor maintenance and due to pond design. Detecting accumulated debris is difficult because these are frequently not readily observable. The inability to sustain the dissolved oxygen concentrations suggests the rise in organic debris. In addition, total alkalinity and pH may be lower than in source water. 

Organic farming aims at reducing the use of synthetic medicines or antibiotics rather it stresses upon improving the immunity of animals to make them healthier. Organic farming helps in strategic planning of nutrients, feed intake, and thus avoiding any possible disease in aquatic animals. 

Special Seaweed nutrition for aquatic animals

To produce adequate energy for locomotion and other biological functions, fish, prawns, shrimps, and other aquatic animals required more food. Aquatic creatures, like humans, require sufficient nutrition for body growth and repair. Because aquatic species are cold-blooded, they do not need to expend energy on temperature regulation. Their nutrition, however, is dependent on the optimal temperature of their surroundings. Fish in places with a large fluctuation in water temperature consume far more food in the summer than in the winter.

At Golden Era, we have created Seasap Aqua, an organic aqua feed additive, to boost the yield and growth of your aquatic animals. It’s a liquid supplement made from spirulina red, brown, and green sea algae. Algae has been shown to have high levels of protein, lipids, carbs, and micronutrients. It functions as a one-stop shop for all aquatic species. It contains trace elements, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, colours, and antioxidants. Aquatic creatures’ growth is hampered when certain nutrients are deficient. 

Proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, carbs, and enzymes are abundant in algae. They aid in normal digestion, increased oxygen intake, and pH balance. Lipids are necessary for energy production and activity. Feeding Seasap aqua organic feed additive enhances aquatic animal health and productivity.

A mineral amalgamation:

Seasap aqua feed supplement is generated from sea algae that are high in chelated minerals. It aids in the health and immunity of aquatic creatures. Seasap aqua feed supplement contains necessary amounts of minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and many more. Seasap aqua feed supplement is an ideal blend of proteins, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes for fish, prawns, shrimp, and other aquatic creatures. It promotes bone health and biological activity in aquatic animals.

Increases Immunity

When properly cared for, yield can be raised by 50%. The use of Seasap aqua feed supplement benefits aquatic animals’ general health. It boosts immunity and protects them from illnesses and infections.

Improves Reproduction

The Seasap aqua feed supplement boosts fertility by up to 100%. A higher fertility rate results in a higher yield.

Reduces FCR Ratio

A lower feed conversion ratio is advantageous to aquatic animals. When fed Seasap aqua feed supplement, the feed conversion ratio is balanced and reduced, resulting in increased yield.

Increases feed palatability 

Palatability is the preference animals show when presented with different meal options. Seasap aqua feed additive improves feed palatability and makes it easier for aquatic animals to eat.

Increases weight

Seasap aqua feed supplement provides comprehensive nutrients and helpful enzymes to aquatic creatures. It promotes improved digestion, which raises the weight of aquatic animals.

Improves metabolism

The all-around nutrient supply provided by Seasap aqua feed supplement aids in the improvement of aquatic animals’ metabolism. It leads to faster growth, increased weight, mobility, and immunity.

Reduces stress

Seasap aqua organic feed additive boosts aquatic animals’ immunity and stress tolerance. It enhances fish, shrimp, prawns, and other aquatic creatures’ adaptability and immunity.

Maintains the health of aquatic animals

Seasap aqua organic feed supplement serves as a complete nutrient supplier for aquatic animals. It keeps the animals healthy, stress-free, and growing quickly.

At Golden Era, we provide complete solutions to maintain the yields and the ecosystem of the ponds. We support water testing, pond fertigation, nutrition management, pest and disease management of the aquatic animals being farmed. This helps in increasing the quality of animals farmed, improves the yield by three to five folds and helps retain maximum profits.